7 Day Challenge
We are confident that you and your patients will experience something positive in 7 days:
- Patient Comfort
- Clinician Ease
- Affordable Price
- Easy to Apply
- Long Wear-Time
- Gentle
- Safe to Use
- Effective antibacterial
- ... you tell us!
We challenge you to assess and see for yourself! Fill in the form below to arrange for your 7 Day complimentary exsalt wound dressing. We are confident that you will FIND one or more positives!
Positive Patient Feedback
Positive Change in Care
Positive Clinical Observation
This 7 Day Challenge is for Canadian Clinicians only. By completing the above form, you agree to be contacted by an Exciton Technologies researcher or product relations specialist. The 7 Day Challenge clinician sample consists of one 4x5 sized dressing which has up to a 7 Day wear indication. Upon receiving and using this sample, you agree to document your experience by completing a very quick online or paper evaluation form as seen here: http://www.excitontech.com/products/submit-evaluation